Thursday, March 4, 2010

To buy or not to buy

On my way to work this morning I heard an interesting discussion. The question posed was:

Is it ok to spend $500 or more on a Coach purse?

Male co-host opinion: Didn't really have an opinion

Female co-host opinion: If you have the money for the $500 purse you should go to Wal-Mart and buy a purse, then donate the rest of the money to the less fortunate.

People that called in:

Opinion 1: That is crazy. $500 is more than a car payment and a partial rent payment.

Opinion 2: Well I have three, but I got one at the outlet so that's ok.

Opinion 3: if you have the money, then that's fine

Opinion 4: I got my wife's out of the trash, so I didn't have to pay for it. It was in pretty good condition, too.

Opinion 5: I would do anything to have a Coach purse.

My opinion: I couldn't stop lauging about opinion 4! Who digs in the trash looking for a Coach purse?? And who throws away a Coach purse??

I think that if you are fortunate enough to have the money, then you can spend your money how you see fit. That is after you have paid your bills and taken care of your other responsibilties. I don't want to hear how you bought an expensive purse, shoes, etc, but can't afford buy something you actually need.

Priorities people. That is all I am saying!

Anyway interesting discussion this morning.



I would say, DON'T DO IT! But that's just me :-) Hehe...I'd rather spend my money on other things - like new furniture or a painting.


I agree...Pay your bills first, including a six month savings account and investments, then spend your money as you like: expensive purses, paintings, cars, etc. Just do it BEFORE you have kids, because luxuries like those will disappear among larger house pymts, private school tuition, piano lessons, braces, extra medical, etc.. Enjoy while you can....I did! :0)


If I was going to spend $500 it wouldn't be ou a purse, it would be on something more substantial too, Lori! I am not a fan of Coach's purses, so if I was going to spend $500 on a purse it probably wouldn't be a Coach one.

Kelly Loy Gilbert

In the trash? Wow, that guy scored! Haha.

500 is a LOT for a purse. I could never.

that said, though, my grandma goes on these weird kicks where all she buys people for a while is the same, and one year she was on this Coach purse obsession, so for graduation she gave me a Coach purse she got at the outlets. It wasn't 500 bucks--it was closer to 100--but still, I felt weird owning it because all my life I'd railed against expensive purses and how ridiculous they were and how no one needed to spend money on that kind of thing.

But. So I used to go to, like, Ross or Marshall's and buy purses for 20 bucks or so, which worked out great for me, except that I would have to buy a new one every 8-12 months because zippers would break, handles would come off, huge holes would appear in the bottoms, etc. The Coach purse she bought me, on the other hand, puts up with a lot of abuse and is still going strong 3 years later, and from what I hear it'll basically last all my life. So I could see it as an investment, if you're going to buy just one purse to last you forever at a hundred dollars rather than spending 20-30 every year.

Still--500??? Couldn't do it.


I agree with option 1, kinda crazy how a $500.00 purse could be any kind of payment. But hey if I found a couch purse in the trash I would be stoked...and WHO throws away a Coach purse? hmm. a person I guess who can buy plenty of them! :)

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